Posted tagged ‘action’

Music Licensing For Action Scenes

June 16, 2009

A little off-topic feature:

What kind of music would a film maker be using for scenes with car chases, airborne speedboats with helpless pilots or a naked skydiver whose parachute won’t open?

With rock musician and German Rock Awards nominee Julian Angel has started a music library that caters to the action niche. Music supervisors and producers of all sorts of media can make a find in a fine selection of fast and furious guitar driven music.

“Being a rock musician I am just doing what I’m best at” Julian Angel says and continues to explain his idea: “The independent music licensing market is a busy place for electronic musicians who are already doing a great job. I could hardly find any rock music with real instruments, though, so I just thought I had to come up with a string of heavy tracks.”

At its launch features four action-themed albums which can be streamed for preview. In order to save music users from any hassle the library’s website also offers free test versions of every piece of music downloadable at no obligation.

So the idea of is set to hit home for producers of moving pictures with an affinity for the “loud” and the “fast” in music.
