Posted tagged ‘budget’

Optimistic prognosis for event industry

May 22, 2009

According to a study conducted by TNS Infratest in Germany event businesses are looking ahead with optimism.

Despite the current decline 84% of the queried event companies in Germany believe in corporate  events being an essential element of branding and brand- and product marketing in the future.

The term “future” is said to be the year 2010. Be it another “crisis” year or not, marketers believe that marketing and promotion will take a more personal, direct and tangible approach which events will be an ideal tool for. Already by 2010 the event marketing budgets of 2008 shall be met again.

Source: memo-media

Julian Lieb – G.T.O. Entertainment

Crisis Hits Event Business

May 6, 2009

There’s no doubt the economic crisis has affected the business of events and trade shows.
A certain restraint can not be denied these days which results in less inquiries for event planning, stage production, caterering and entertainment performances.

It seems the only way we can deal with this is by accepting the current low we find ourselves in and offer appropriate services during the crisis and – plan for the time after.

At this moment we should accept that there is only request for “small” and “low budget” events and we have to take some kind of back-to-basics approach when serving our clients: Less glitz, but more effect.

The glitz, the glamour, the bombastic “money is no object” perspective must be saved for later. It should.

History shows that depressions have always been followed by states of pageantry, a time or era worth preparing for – if we manage to survive the current state.

So whether we are planners, organizers, producers, caterers or artists, we should not let go of those great, expensive ideas we have in mind. This is the “low” – or as Seth Godin calls it the “dip” that can give us time and energy to work on bigger plans for bigger times.

Let’s keep our fingers crossed that they will come.

Julian Lieb – G.T.O. Entertainment