Posted tagged ‘decoration’

Corporate Events during the crisis – Part 1: be creative

March 25, 2009

Like I mentioned earlier, there is no need for entertainment, but we all love it. The same goes for corporate events, besides the fact that they can connect people and deepen existing relationships.

So for those who still want to meet, present or celebrate during these times of cuttings expenses, there is still a way.

Corporate events used to be extremely expensive, mainly because planners and producers were charging utopic prices. I just received a price list from a competitor who charges twice as much for the same band as we do.

Of course, some things will always be expensive. For everything else the solution is creativity. It’s like decorating your living room – creativity (if existing) can always outdo big budgets.

Instead of offering a fancy looking buffet have something that really tastes great and present it the right way.
Instead of booking a celebrity show act find an up and coming artist who’s performance really matters.
Instead of renting extra large flashy LED devices for decoration create a “just nice” but familiar surrounding.
Turn off half the lights and light candles.

Remember the guys in school who couldn’t afford the latest fashion but managed to look cool anyway? Think like them…

Julian Lieb – G.T.O. Entertainment