Posted tagged ‘event venues’

Corporate Events during the crisis – Part 2: cut it down with style

March 26, 2009

Cut it down – to size.
Extra large super-glamorous locations sure are impressive. Holding an event there everybody will assume you have the money. It’s like driving a big car, wearing designer clothes etc.

How about, though, if you make your event a win-win experience instead of a one-sided bragging?
You could invite your guests to a smaller venue with less glitz but a more familiar, we-all-feel-in-touch atmosphere. A place that really inspires conversations. Less distance between guests so that everyone can easily join any discussion. After all, besides all the partying, conversations and making new contacts is what your guests are here for.

Yet such a “cosy” venue doesn’t have to be a run-down local bar or restaurant. All I say is that it is a good idea to replace a too-big non-personal venue by a smaller one that really fits: One that fits your company’s style and image. A venue that allows creating and using a theme around your company and its field of expertise, a venue that can be used in a way to reflect your work, your current projects etc.  This will at least give your guests a clue about why they are here, the occasion for your celebration.

Imagine holding your welcome speech without a microphone because you can be heard all over the place anyway. Bad? How about the personal touch of it? The chance of your guests to comment and interact? Doesn’t this create the involvement, the “togetherness” you are aiming for?

Julian Lieb – G.T.O. Entertainment