Posted tagged ‘space’

Event promotion in outer space

April 3, 2009

March 25, 2009: A Sojus space shuttle launched in Kasachstan is carrying a brochure into outer space. The brochure promotes the “Tag der Sachsen” (Day of the Saxons), a six day expo and entertainment event in the German Bundesland of Saxony taking place from September 4 through 9 this year.

The brochure is said to be taken to the space station ISS, be stamped there and taken back to earth again. Of course, no alien is going to read that piece of promotion nor will any green men attend that event. It’s about the publicity, German newspapers and television are still spreading the “news”.

I think this idea is pretty cool: Do something strange that everyone will talk about and so spread the message.

Julian Lieb – G.T.O. Entertainment